How do I supply artwork for a multiple sets order?
There are two artwork options for a multiple sets order. Please do not supply individual fronts and backs. Instead, either combine them into 1 multi-page PDF, or multiple 2-page PDF’s.
To create these PDFs, please use the 'Create PDF from Multiple Files' or 'Combine Files into PDF' function in Acrobat and save all pages in one PDF. Please ensure the pages run in the correct order once combined.
Multi-page PDF
The first option is to send 1 PDF which contains multiple pages. The running order should be set 1 front, set 1 back, set 2 front, set 2 back, set 3 front, set 3 back, etc. Every page should be present, even if the artwork is duplicated or blank.
2-Page PDFs
Alternatively, please combine each set into individual PDFs. The running order should be page 1 front, page 2 back. And again, every page should be present, even if the artwork is duplicated or blank.