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Common transparency issues with garment designs.

When setting up your design for a T-Shirt, Sweatshirt, or Hoody, you need to take into consideration the background elements in your design and how it will look on your final garment. When creating your design, you need to ensure that the background canvas is transparent so that only the main design elements are printed. 

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Opting for bitmap images in your design can lead to potential issues, primarily if a white background accompanies the image, which might inadvertently print on the clothing. To mitigate this problem effectively, we strongly advise using PNG bitmap graphics and taking the necessary steps to eliminate any background from the images during the sourcing process.

Vector graphics do not come with background elements unless deliberately added to the design. This makes vector graphics a preferred choice as they offer greater flexibility and control over the final appearance, reducing the risk of unwanted background interference during printing.

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Ensuring the removal of unwanted backgrounds in your design is crucial to avoid any unsightly outcomes during printing. If these white elements are not removed, they can become visibly apparent on the clothing surface. While printing on white garments may somewhat mask this issue, upon close inspection, you might still notice subtle colour variations.

This is more noticeable when printing on dark-colored garments, as any remaining white elements on the canvas can create an undesirable white square box around your graphics, significantly deviating from the intended result. Therefore, to achieve the desired outcome and a seamless appearance, it is vital to remove any unwanted backgrounds from your design, particularly when working with darker fabrics.

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Top Tip

A way to check to make sure that your artwork doesn't have any unwanted background elements is within your design software, draw a dark temporary solid box behind your main design. This will highlight any white elements that you may not notice on your canvas, and you can remove them before printing. Once you have checked, delete the box and export your file for upload.

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