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How can I upload the second page of my artwork?

When ordering a product with two sides or a product with multiple pages (like booklets and brochures), you should upload all pages of your artwork at one time:

1. Click "upload all files" to begin:


2. Find your files on your computer and then either drag and drop them into the file upload screen, OR, ctrl + click on the files you want to upload. Make sure to select ALL the files you need for the product:


For double-sided products like business cards, flyers, letterhead, etc., please put both pages of the artwork in one file, in the correct order of the pages. For more information on creating double-sided artwork, please read these guidelines. For more information about uploading artwork for sets, read these tips. 


If you already submitted your artwork and need to add more pages, please email our customer service team at with the item number (starts with B) and the additional files.