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How To Set Up Artwork For a Chalk Board

How Do I Set Up My Artwork For A Printed Chalkboard?

Please ensure your files have the following:

  • CMYK PDF, preferably in PDF/x4 format.
  • 150dpi resolution
  • Outlined or embedded fonts
  • Please allow for a safe zone of 30mm


Please download the correct template to help create your design. These can be found on our website


Step By Step Instructions For Setting Up Your Artwork For Your A Frame Chalkboard

We print directly onto the chalkboard; therefore, it is essential that a white Underpin layer is applied directly onto the board for any design elements to be printed. This acts as the “White” elements of the design, and a base for any colour you wish to be printed. This “White” is applied to the board twice, so we need to have 2 layers of White within the design.


For example, we want to have a chalkboard that has some white text, with a coloured graphic in the middle sitting on top of a white halo. We need to have the White text and the element behind the coloured graphic set up as a white underpin. For this example, we will be using Adobe Illustrator to create the artwork.





1. First, we create two new swatches. One is called “Spot_1” and the other is called “Spot_2”. These both need to be set to Color Type – Spot Color and 100% Black.




2. Now, we create the coloured elements that we want to use within the design. This should be placed on the Artwork layer, and at the bottom of the list.





3. We then create the White elements (text and background halo) and place them on the Spot_1 layer. We then apply our “Spot_1” swatch colour to all these graphics.




4. Then, we duplicate these graphics and apply them to the “Spot_2” layer and apply the Spot_2 swatch colour to this layer’s graphics.





5. Lastly, we select both the Spot_1 graphics and the Spot_2 graphics, and we set these both to Overprint Fill.





The finished PDF may look inverted to the goal we are aiming for, as the Black Spot graphics sit on top of the rest of the board. However, this is how we need the file in this order for our system to read so it prints the layers correctly.










Once your file has been processed and printed, the final Chalk Board will look exactly how you want.
