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My artwork has been rejected, what should I do?

When you supply artwork for printing, it is checked to ensure that it meets our printing standards.


If you have received an email containing a rejection notice then you will need to carefully read the email, and fix the issues raised.


The rejection email will give you details on what is stopping your artwork from being sent to print, and how you need to rectify the problem. There may be Help Centre articles within the email that will help you with your problem.

Once you have altered your design, simply pop back into your account and upload a new artwork file into your order and we will check it over again for you.

On some rejections, it may be possible for you to “Proceed to Print”. This is common on low-resolution images, text/images too close to the trim line, and other graphics-related issues. If you wish to move forward with the supplied artwork, you can click on the proceed to print button and we will move your design on into print. Alternatively, you can amend the file and upload a new print artwork.