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What is the difference between kinds and quantities?

Kinds and Quantities 

On a lot of our products, you can place orders for multiple kinds and quantities, or a combination of both. It can easily be a little confusing when placing orders that require both.



Kinds refer to the different versions of designs that you wish to print. If you wish to have the same specifications for a product, but if you wish to have different designs on each set, you need to order multiple kinds corresponding to the number of designs you have. 



Quantities refer to the numerical value of how many of one design you wish to be printed. In some quantities, the value goes up in a single number sequence, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 etc. However, some quantities need to be ordered in bigger steps as this is affected by the print run for that product, 100, 250, 500, 1000, etc. 


For example

If you have a single design for a business card that you want to be printed 1000 times. That would be

 1 kind and 1000 quantity = Totalling 1000 business cards.


If you have four different designs for business cards, possibly different names on the cards, and you require 250 of each then that would need to be ordered as –

4 kinds and 250 quantities = Totalling 1000 business cards.


When supplying artwork of multiple kinds, you need to ensure that you read the upload specifications correctly to ensure that the artwork is printed. For further information on how to supply your artwork of multiple kinds, then please see our article here.