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Why has part of my artwork been cut off my print job?

Bleed.jpgYour artwork may have been cut off your print job because the artwork didn’t contain a quiet border. A quiet border is an area at least 3mm, but ideally 5mm, from the edges of your job. This avoids problems when cutting your job down, such as missing text / objects or an uneven appearance.


Alternatively, if the artwork file doesn’t include a bleed and the order is 'Just Print', we have to enlarge your artwork to create a bleed. This means that any images or text close to the edge of your artwork may be partially cut off. Please ensure you supply all files with a 3mm bleed, as well as a quiet border around the edges.


Part of your artwork may also be cut off if the file was supplied at slightly the wrong size. Artwork supplied at a different size to the size ordered may be cropped to the correct size, and any elements close to the page edge may be cropped off. Please supply artwork at the exact size to prevent this happening.