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What's Included In Your Just Print Artwork Service?

Just Print - The essential service for print professionals.  

Quick, easy, and the best part it’s free. As the name suggests, it allows you to seamlessly send your print-ready PDF files directly to the printer. This service is tailored for individuals who have meticulously created their artwork according to our specified requirements, thoroughly reviewed our guidelines, and possess a comprehensive understanding of the printing process.


The standout feature of this service is that your artwork is checked during the upload stage, enabling you to promptly identify and address any potential issues. Once your file is approved, our automated system sends your file off to print. This streamlined approach not only saves you valuable time but also minimises unnecessary expenses.


Our advanced 40-point artwork check is seamlessly performed on your uploaded file before printing. Within moments of uploading, our system conducts a thorough analysis, instantly revealing any detected issues. Please see our 40-point checklist here.


Just Print Summary

The following terms apply when using the Just Print service:

  • Your job will be processed through our automated system and rejected only if we are unable to print your file.
  • Files must be PDF/x-1a format.
  • We will not carry out any pre-flight or quality checks on your document as these will already have been carried out by yourself prior to submitting the file.
  • You will not receive a proof.
  • Booklets and folders are particularly complex and are generally higher value items, therefore we strongly recommend File Check on these products.
  • When using this service to order booklets, artwork should be supplied as one multi-page PDF containing single pages in the correct order.


We will fix these errors within your file:

  • Convert RGB to CMYK
  • Convert spot colour to CMYK
  • Missing bleed
  • Ink coverage over 340%
  • Overprints set on colours other than black
  • Proportionately scale


We will notify you of a file rejection if your file contains any of these errors:

  • Corrupt PDF
  • Un-embedded fonts
  • Password protected
  • Sizes that are disproportionate
  • Incorrect number of files

Please note: We only accept print-ready PDF files with this service. If you have any other file format, you will need to select File Check or File Assist. 


 Please refer to our Artwork Service Comparison Chart to see what is included in each of our artwork services.